Families (Children, Youth and Families)
Aim: This pack suggests ideas and tools that families can look at and utilise for for outreach to other families.
Who is this for?: This is for any family unit or individual in your church who wants to explore outreach as family. This pack will contain a set of ideas that can be used as a means of reaching out to share the gospel. Please get church members to download the packs themselves by signing up.
Gareth and Rachel’s story:
Gareth and Rachel have been pioneering since they met through YWAM. They are passionate about family in whatever guise it comes and are sold out that it is God’s vehicle for generational blessing. They are both part of the senior leadership at The Gate as well as Leading Barnabas England. Rachel works for Transforming Lives for Good, working with vulnerable young people and their families and she runs the Education Centre in Reading. Gareth is the CEO of Love Your Community and an assistant minister at The Gate. They have two children Joel and Naomi.
Signup Now: Click here to signup and register your interest. Once you sign up you will get access to the pack and online coaching.