100 Missional Adventures in Pioneering and Planting”.

Be part of the adventure

  1. Aim: to collaborate across our baptist family as Baptists together for the launching of at least 100 missional and pioneering adventures.
  2. Would I qualify? Please note that this is open to everybody in good standing with a local church, you don’t need a title to qualify you just need a heart that longs to pioneer something within your local church context or if called, beyond that.
What we provide:

We are providing a practical ‘how-to’ Missional and Pioneering adventure exploration day for a regional, cluster, city, town, church or individual with a longing or desire to pioneer a new community, new ministry or new church or missional expression. Alongside the day we will provide a monthly online step by step coaching time for those who sign up.

For those wishing to follow the training provided or replicate it for their team or church then it may be helpful to know what resource is being used. Yinka has a background in pioneering and has been involved in pioneering several churches. His experience has been distilled into a practical book highlighting the principles involved called ‘Building a New Ministry: And Raising New Leaders. A Practical Workbook’, which can be purchased here. *  

Questions that this may raise:
  1. Would I qualify to be trained? –
    •  The sessions on “ how to pioneer anything” are for anyone with a heart for pioneering from the plumber to the store worker, from the experienced church minister in active service or retired, to the individual in a full-time job, you are welcome whether you are a volunteer in the local church who has always dreamed of pioneering with or without experience, you are welcome to go on an adventure with us.
  2. What if I don’t have formal theological qualifications?
    • Don’t worry, exploring “ how to pioneer anything”, is still for you, I would just ask you to walk with us and give both the regional teams and I a chance to support you if you’re coming from a Baptist Church
    • If you’re not coming from a Baptist Church why don’t you take the chance to help us connect you with the kind of support that will help you grow a new community.
  3. Do I need to raise financial support from my church or my region before I am permitted to pioneer?
    • No, but you will need to practically work through a costing plan for your pioneering dream. For example, you may need to work out the cost of using some premises if you have to hire them. In reality, it takes a relatively small amount of finances to pioneer a new community or ministry or fresh expression, when done by volunteers.
  4. Signup Now:Click here to signup and register your interest once you sign up you will get access to the online coaching that will follow your registration*  (I have cut the face value of the book on Amazon by half and forgone over 60% of all royalties) I am also going to try and fundraise so I can give the book away to as many as I can.

(Please sign up before proceeding)